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Don’t wait until the next Global Pandemic to obtain Health Insurance

Covid-19 brought a global pandemic to the world for the first time in over 100 years since the plague of 1919 . If your like most people you procrastinate when it comes to your health, physicals or even seeing a doctor when you get the flu. 2020 and the Corona virus showed that there is no better time than now to get health insurance for you and your family. Many people in the country that were hospitalized earlier in the year are now receiving bills north of $800,000 like this patient in Denver.

The best time to get health insurance is when you are healthy that way you can get discounted rates with private health insurance. Even if you are just looking for a catastrophic plan.You are always better off getting a plan while you are healthy rather than waiting till it’s too late. There is no insurance that allows you to back date claims from when you didn’t have an active policy and with companies like My Private Health Insurance your able to get an a la carte type health insurance plan that will cover you for the things you deem most important. If you just want coverage for critical illness or wellness visits there is a plan that can cover your needs. Many people around the country think they are only stuck to the options on and think that the monthly premiums are all astronomical which isn’t always true. If you can qualify based on your gross household income you can get a plan on the marketplace as low as $20 per month but if your income is say in the 6 figure range than chances are you won’t get any subsidies. This is where private health insurance can come into play & you can get a plan that’s based off your health and not your income. Either way you have to go take the time to go over your options before the new year and get you and your family covered with a plan that helps you in the case of a major claim. If you were lucky enough to not be affected by Covid-19 make sure your family and your income is protected by a health insurance plan. 80% of bankruptcy’s are because of healthcare bills and you do not need to be the next statistic. Get covered today! You can call 754-206-9583 and speak to a licensed agent in your state.